Sing Praise to Yahshua

Praise is a weapon for Spiritual Battle

Even Manasseh is my music project. This page is dedicated to praise of the Almighty and encouragement for people who don’t feel good about themselves or where they stand with Yahweh.

This music isn’t likely going to be played in church. It isn’t designed for that. This music is meant to lift up hearts who feel like they are not good enough, wherever they happen to be. So Even Manasseh is for people who think Yahweh is done with them. Maybe they feel like He never wanted them in the first place.

Rest assured that isn’t true. Somehow Yahweh provided mercy for even the wicked king Manasseh, one of the worst leaders imaginable.

Please understand that you are not alone in feeling rejected by Yah. Also understand that this is nothing more than a feeling encouraged by the adversary. Many of us feel bad about ourselves. Sometimes our past can make us sick. But that isn’t the will of Yahweh. He wants you to know that you are loved.

Yeshua’s sacrifice was enough for you. Yeshua is all you need.

He will meet you right where you are. Right now Yahweh will meet you. Call to Him and He will hear you. Ask His forgiveness and begin to walk the path Yeshua walked. He will teach you how to live and give you strength to overcome sin.

If you need some encouraging music you can check out the Even Manasseh YouTube channel here.

Much more importantly, see how you can be saved by the Blood of the Lamb Yeshua by clicking here.

Yahweh Way to be saved
Yeshua is the Only way to salvation.

Even Manasseh Music Videos

Spiritual War

Praise is one of the greatest weapons a believer has. Praise to Yeshua gives us hope and strength because it reminds of where our strength actually lies. Not in ourselves, but in Yahweh and Yeshua. Also, good praise music that is based on the Word can imprint His Words into our mind to be used when we need it.

Music is powerful, both as a memory aid and as an uplifting reminder.

Make yourself a follower of Yeshua. Walk like He walked. Do what He did. That is our reasonable service, and in doing so the tangles we find ourselves in constantly tend to untangle themselves.

The Believer’s Most Basic Statement of Faith

Our salvation rests on the sure knowledge that Yeshua lived and lived perfectly according to Yahweh’s commands. He was the only begotten Son of Yahweh and the only person to ever live a sinless life. Throughout His life Yeshua did no wrong at all, not ever. He was executed as an innocent man on a cross or a stake. He died, and for three days He was dead in the heart of the earth.

On the third day, what is known as the day of First Fruits, Yeshua rose again and appeared to many believers. Hundreds of them, often simultaneously. He is now at the right hand of the Father and will one day return to take his throne on the earth. This is the believer’s most basic statement of faith, regardless of the doctrine we follow. Life, death and resurrection are fundamental beliefs. Without belief, or faith, it is impossible to please Yahweh.

No one can live perfectly according to the standards that a perfect and just Yahweh requires. He cannot be in the presence of sin. He cannot lie. Those two things are indeed impossible for Him. It’s not true that there is nothing He cannot do. Yahweh cannot sin. He cannot be unrighteous. He cannot tolerate sin, but by the atoning sacrifice of His Sin Yeshua for us we can be forgiven for our sins.

If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us.

Seek first the Kingdom of Elohim and all these things will be added to you.