Even Manasseh? That’s an Odd Name… Really?

Even Manasseh

Even Manasseh? That’s an Odd Name… Really?

Why Even Manasseh?

King Manasseh was the son of the righteous king Hezekiah, and he was one rough customer. So why name a music project Even Manasseh after him?

Hezekiah made a bad decision in showing the treasures of the Kingdom of Judah to the Babylonian envoys. By never attributing his victories and riches to Yahweh Elohim he set his kingdom up for ruin. On the whole, though, he was a good king who was careful to inquire of Yahweh about decisions for the kingdom.

Hezekiah bravely resisted the king of Assyria even after the surrounding kings had been defeated and their kingdoms destroyed. Hezekiah faithfully prayed and presented the Assyrian threats to the kingdom before Yahweh. In consequence of his faithfulness he was rewarded by watching 185,000 Assyrians die at the hands of the Angel of Yahweh overnight.

By the power of Yahweh the army of Asssyria didn’t even fire a shot at Jerusalem.

Hezekiah is remembered as a relatively good king of the kingdom of Judah, the southern kingdom of the two houses of Israel. In contrast, his son Manasseh is remembered as one of the worst kings Judah ever had.

Even Manasseh

Who Was Manasseh?

Manasseh was a viscous king who shed a great deal of innocent blood all over Jerusalem. He began to reign at the age of twelve, so it seems he did not personally witness any of the miraculous things Yahweh did for his father Hezekiah.

Manasseh would have observed his father, and perhaps his easy living style. Perhaps he sensed hypocrisy in his father, since he surely would have heard of the great exploits Yahweh did for Hezekiah.

When Hezekiah was informed, later in life, that the kingdom would be torn from his descendants because of the way he showed the Babylonians his treasures, Hezekiah nonchalantly said that as long as it was not in his day it was okay, or something to that effect.

Insolent and Haughty

Whatever was in the mind of Manasseh about his father, as a young man he did everything in his power to defy Yahweh. Hezekiah destroyed the “high places,’ or worship places, of pagan gods. In spite of his father’s efforts Manasseh rebuilt the altars for Ba’al and all the host of heaven, which he bowed himself down to.

Additionally he built an Asherah pole and even placed a carved image of Asherah in the Temple. Manasseh used magic and sorcery, consulted mediums and practiced divination. The king of Judah went so far as to pass his own son through the fire to Molech. That is to say he sacrificed his own son to a pagan god.

Without reservation Yahweh spoke of Manasseh’s deeds as such abominations that not even the Amorites before them did as evil as the Israelites at this time. The people of Judah were led astray by king Manasseh to such a degree that Yahweh said.See, I am bringing such evil upon Yerushalayim and Yehuḏah that both ears of those who hear of it shall tingle.” He promised to wipe Jerusalem like one wipes a dish.

The people of Judah would not hear Yahweh, so He brought the commanders of the armies of Assyria and captured Manasseh. He was led by a ring in his nose and bronze shackles to Babel.

As a result, in his distress Manasseh called to Yahweh. He repented, and humbled himself greatly and prayed. Then something absolutely mind blowing happened.

Yah’s Abounding Mercy for Even Manasseh

Astonishingly, the patient and kind mercy of Yahweh touched even Manasseh. One of the worst, most wicked kings to ever sit on the throne of Judah, who wallowed in idolatry and murder, was forgiven.

Yahweh demonstrated His infinite love. As a result we can see that no one is above His Law and that He is no respecter of persons. Yet even the very worst of us can be saved and shown mercy if our heart is truly broken and repentant.

“A broken and contrite heart You will not despise.” Psalm 51:17

Later King Manasseh was released from captivity and he returned to Judah. He was restored to his throne and began the difficult task of tearing down the idols and high places he had built. He restored the proper worship by law, commanding that only Yahweh be worshiped in His proper place, the Temple.

Only a few outliers continued to use the high places and incorrect places of worship, however they did comply and worship only Yahweh.

No Free Pass For Judah

Even though Manasseh was forgiven and was restored to Yahweh, the people of Judah had disobeyed and angered the Almighty so badly that He swore:

And יהוה said to me, “Even if Mosheh and Shemu’ěl were to stand before Me, My being is not toward this people. Send them away from My presence, let them go. And it shall be, when they say to you, ‘Where do we go?’ then you shall say to them, ‘Thus said יהוה, “Those for death, to death. And those for the sword, to the sword.

And those for scarcity of food, to scarcity of food. And those for captivity, to captivity. And I shall appoint over them four kinds,” declares יהוה, “the sword to kill, the dogs to drag, the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy. And I shall make them for a horror to all the reigns of the earth, on account of Menashsheh son of Ḥizqiyahu, sovereign of Yehuḏah, because of what he did in Yerushalayim.” -Jeremiah 15:1-4

The Damage Was Done

Manasseh’s personal sin was made right with Yahweh because of his deep repentance. However the people of Judah did not fare well. Because they followed after their king in his disobedience they were punished greatly.

The story of king Manasseh is one of personal responsibility and Yah’s great mercy for repentance. It’s also a story of collective responsibility. The people of Judah should have known better and should have rejected Manasseh’s influence. While he was the king, he was not Elohim.

Therefore the objects of the people’s worship were their own choices. The punishment was because of what Manasseh did, to lead the people of Judah astray. It was also because the people allowed themselves to be led astray.

Manasseh was buried in peace in his home after ruling Judah for 55 years. He found forgiveness, but I wonder about the guilt he felt for causing downfall of the people of Judah. Was the weight of that responsibility heavy on his head? Did his golden crown press down on him harder in his latter years, as he tried in vain to clean up the mess he had made?

The Scriptures don’t say. All they do is speak the facts of the matter. They demonstrate how compassionate Yahweh is, and that even the worst of humanity can be reformed by His power. That no one is above His Law and no one is below His mercy.

Why I Chose Even Manasseh

Thus I chose the name Even Manasseh for this ministry because of the great mercy Yahweh has shown me. In my past I behaved as a dog, a foolish rogue who acted thoughtlessly. I wasted the opportunities Yah gave me to do good for His Kingdom and instead brought dishonor on His people with arrogant, prideful nonsense and even lies. All of it was done in Yahweh’s Name.

Whereas my story may not be as gruesome as Manasseh’s, I am still left with a great deal of uncertainty as to my responsibility for some of the problems in the world today. My intention was good. It was to help the world.

Instead, rather than allowing Yahweh to lead me I looked away from Yahshua, and I lost my way in the mountains. My greatest fear is that I took people with me who may never come back. That is my responsibility.

In the story of Manasseh I find hope for even the worst of us. Idolatry, in the form of false god worship or self worship, is probably the greatest sin for which one can be forgiven in the eyes of Yahweh. Idolatry amounts to adultery in His eyes.

In consequence I am an adulterer. Possibly a great many other things, and that is part of my chastening.

That is why I find hope in the story of Manasseh. A truly arrogant, bloodthirsty tyrant with a penchant for worshiping idols and sacrificing children can turn from his wicked ways and be saved. By the grace and mercy of the Father and by the blood and resurrection of Yeshua I can be saved as well. So can you.

The Last Word

Yahweh does not promise to save us from the physical consequences of our actions. He may or He may not, and that is His sovereign right.

However in Yah’s blessed mercy He has made a way for people like me and maybe you to find salvation. Even Manasseh was able to be saved by the Blood of the Lamb Yeshua.

By Yeshua’s stripes we are healed. By His blood Spiritual death passes us over. Because of His Word we are given bread, and by His Spirit we never have to thirst for that Spiritual drink again.

It is by Yahweh’s grace that I am still here, and it’s because of His wonderful mercy and wise chastening that I humbly speak now. By His power, which does not fail.

His Word will be the last Word. Let His Word speak to You. You are not too bad. It is not too late. You are not forgotten. You will never be forsaken, if you will just take hold of His garment.

Even Manasseh could be saved. You can too and I pray you will find His peace today. Reach your heart out to Yahweh in the Name of Yahshua. Call to Him. A broken heart and a contrite Spirit He will not despise.

Will not. That is His promise. Even Manasseh found His Word to be true.

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